Last night, All of a sudden I had a dream about that old bench where my heart and soul were stolen by the girl of my dreams. It feels like yesterday when we were in class 10 together, and she used to sit on the side bench.

Oh, how beautiful she was! You wouldn’t believe it unless you saw her with your own eyes. Her high forehead, dark hair, sharp eyes, slender frame, and those seductive lips used to turn my world upside down with just one smile. And that mole on her lips, it was like a cherry on top of an already perfect sundae.

I still remember the way she used to tease me for being a hopeless romantic, but little did she know that my heart already belonged to her. We spent hours together, talking about everything from our favorite books to our dreams and aspirations. And as I looked into her eyes, I knew that I wanted to be a part of her world forever.

Day by day, I started getting closer to her, understanding her, thinking about her, and dreaming of a future together. Once, I accidentally found her diary and started turning pages. She was furious about it. But after reading it, I realized that she was more beautiful on the inside than on the outside. Her thoughts and feelings were so pure and genuine that it made me fall in love with her even more.

But despite all of that, I couldn’t find the courage to tell her how I felt. I was afraid of ruining our friendship and never seeing her again. And so, time passed, and eventually, she left school after class 10 to study outside, leaving behind only memories of her.

Six years have passed since then, and our friendship is not as special as it used to be. We don’t see each other often, and we don’t take the time to talk like we used to. But that bench is still there, and those memories are still fresh in my mind. My love for her remains the same, just as it was when we were in school together.

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